Divine Light Meditation Group
Miss a live guided meditation with the group? You can find the links to the MP3s for replay & download here.
November 2015
New Moon
Full Moon 25 Nov
You will still need the password for the event. See your email for the even password.
December 2015
Full Moon & Meet your Divine Support Team
See your email schedule for the December events password
2016 - The year of completion & manifestation
See your email schedule for the 2016 events password. :)
January 2016
New Moon & talk with your Divine Support Team & Divine Innate about what you need to focus on for the next two weeks.
Full Moon - Wolf Moon, 5 planetary alignment, and massive gamma ray upgrade that just passed through.
February 2016
New Moon & Welcome the Year of the Fire Monkey and a lot of energy around Releasing.
Full Moon - Heart Space clearing energies & what's coming
March 2016
New Moon - Solar Eclipse & focus on the next 6 months
April 2016
New Moon - Balance energies both us & Mother Earth & the Elemental beings to help with the many natural cycles that have been interferred with. Also focus on what you want to grow & manifest.
Full Moon - 5 planets retrograde - Deep issues surfacing for release & realignment with your higher vibration. Violet flame yourself, Mother Earth, the Elemental Beings, & specifically focus on the areas of Mother Earth that call as need violet flame attention.
May 2016
New Moon - Healing pool & violet flame dragons to dry you, helping to heal some of the deep issues brought to the surface with 4 of the retrograde planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars & Pluto)
Full Moon - Violet Flame clearing of energies & love & appreciation & gratitude to the Elemental Beings (Earth, Air, Fire & Water) to help keep them calm. St. Germaine & baby violet flame dragons help. Mercury & Jupiter go direct. Mars, Pluto & Saturn still retrograde. Lots of clearing & healing still going on. Saturn especially brining up issues around committment to look at and clear along with structure - moves, work, etc. Mars brings up anger & often we're just nearby when people start venting. Pluto - sex, power, death, taxes & rebirth. Security issues. Lots of deep stuff we've been clearing. In addition to the ascension energies upgrades & earth change rumbles! Whew!
June 2016
New Moon - I forgot to record most of this session! Oops! We got the last 17 min on the recording. Violet Flame clearing. Archangel Metatron / Ezekiel. Helps us with wisdom & Kwan Yin to help us with compassion, and Archangel Raphael for healing. Love, compassion, healing & wisdom to us & the areas of Mother Earth cleared with the violet flame.
Full Moon - Clearing, healing & UPGRADE from Archangel Raphael for you first then together we do the same for Mother Earth. Neptune went retrograde Monday, June 13 in addition to Pluto, Mars, Venus & Saturn. Neptune Retrograde – unveils mysteries and to exposes religious shams. Lasts through Nov 20, 2016.
July 2016
New Moon - Deep Healing for you. The new moon energies bring a gentler, calmer, loving energy that we haven't seen since at least the beginning of the year. It also brings Saturn square Neptune and they stay that way thru September. Be ready for more things that have been hidden coming to light.
Full Moon - Releasing & deep healing. Archangel Raphael & Ascended Masters Kwan Yin & Mother Mary help with some deep energetic repatterning at the cellular level as well as emotional / mind level. After listening to this one, take it easy for the next 72 hrs, drink lots of water, and pamper yourself for a few days.
August 2016
New Moon - Connect to the Lion's Gate energies, open up your CLAIRS & Gifts to full blast, clear them out and shine them up. Also gave ways to use them as "antenna" in conjunction with shielding & a lie detector technique.
Full Moon - Work with Archangels Raphael, Michael, Uriel, & Gabriel, ascended masters & teachers. Deepen your connection to your Divine Self & your heart space and a little about choosing high vibration timelines, then we finish it off with a little violet flame for us & Mother Earth.
September 2016
New Moon - Violet Flame clearing of self & Mother Earth. Much hidden info coming to light, coming off the New Moon eclipse, Solar Eclipse, and much fear & panic in the population over storms and such. We help calm these.
Full Moon - A major healing meditation and messages from your Divine Self, Angels & guides.
October 2016
November 2016
Only a full moon this month since October had 2 new moons
Full Moon - Hiatus for the holidays
December 2016
New Moon - Hiatus for the holidays
Full Moon - Hiatus for the holidays
Hugs & Blessings,